
Why do we exist?

Everything we do requires us to learn something but learning isn't always easy or fun. We want to change that.

We're building open-source tools to improve how we learn.

Learning should be fun. Learning should be practical. Learning should be easy. Learning should be accessible.

By improving how we learn things, we want to empower a new generation of builders. If we can fix education, then we can fix everything else.

Our mission

Provide high-quality, hands-on and affordable education to every single person on Earth.

Our vision

We want to help build a world where learning is fun, where everyone understands how science works, where we have a new generation of builders solving the world's biggest problems, where open-source and transparency become a key part of our society.

Our values

Everything we do is public. We don't have secrets. We're honest, open, direct and we always tell the truth.
We're responsible for our actions. We don't blame others. We're self-organized. We don't have managers. We don't need permission to do things.
We care about people. We don't tolerate discrimination, harassment, and asshole geniuses.
We're proud of our work. We don't ship crap. We care.
We avoid over-engineering. We don't make things more complicated than they need to be.
We're always learning. We don't know everything. We admit our mistakes.
We share our knowledge. We don't keep secrets. We embrace competition.
We help each other. We control our egos. We don't compete.
Salary Equality.
Equal pay for equal jobs.